85 Huddersfield Road, Stalybridge SK15 2PT

Telephone: 0161 303 7200

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Primary Care Network (PCN)








1st Floor St Andrews House Resource Centre, 2 Waterloo Road, Stalybridge  SK15 2AU


Lockside is a member of Stalybridge, Dukinfield & Mossley Primary Care Network. The network is made up of of Nine GP practices who work collaboratively to improve patient services and staff wellbeing.

The Nine Practices are:

  • Lockside Medical Centre
  • Staveleigh Medical Centre
  • Grosvenor Medical Centre
  • St Andrews House Medical Centre
  • Millbrook Medical Centre
  • Mossley Medical Centre
  • Pike Medical Centre
  • Town Hall Medical Centre
  • King St Medical Centre

The PCN is in the Tameside locality, within Greater Manchester Integrated Care System.

We provide services to a population of around 43,000 patients. Some of this is done in partnership with third party providers and some of our PCN staff are employed by the PCN which enables staff to work freely for all four practices.

The PCN has a Clinical Director, Dr Grace Choi, who is responsible for the strategic leadership of the PCN. Each member practice has a GP on the PCN board.

We also have a Business Manager, Martin Turner, and an Operations Manager, Suzanne Dyer.

The PCN employs a team of clinical staff including Musculoskeletal practitioners, a Social Prescribing link worker, Care Co-ordinators, and Cancer care co-ordinator, a Physician’s Associate, a paramedic and Advanced Clinical Practitioners. This team provide appointments for the patients of all nine practices. Thes appointments usually take place at the PCN Hub, on Waterloo Road in Stalybridge.