85 Huddersfield Road, Stalybridge SK15 2PT

Telephone: 0161 303 7200

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111 or for minor ailments please visit a local pharmacy.

Trainee Doctors & Nurses

We play host to a range of visitors from time to time, who are interested in learning more about primary care. We have been acreditted by the North Western Deanery of Postgraduate Medical Education as a ‘Training Practice’. This means we are able to train new doctors, nurses and advanced practitioners

The clinicians we train are carefully selected, have had experience working in the hospital and are safe to see patients on their own. If you have ANY feedback on how these clinicians are working, good or bad, please let us know.

We also have medical students on placements and are grateful for all the generous patients who give up their time to be seen by our students.

Current Clinicians in training at Lockside

Dr Laura Cowell GP Speciality Trainee
Dr Adetutu Akeju GP Speciality Trainee
Matthew Bird Trainee Physician Associate