85 Huddersfield Road, Stalybridge SK15 2PT

Telephone: 0161 303 7200

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111 or for minor ailments please visit a local pharmacy.

How will I get my test results?

If we have arranged a medical test for you we will tell you the results by text, email, letter or phone. You can see all your own test results if you have on-line access to your records.

PLEASE DO NOT RING FOR RESULTS unless 4 weeks has passed and you haven’t heard from us. If a test result shows a serious illness we will contact you immediately, usually by phone.

PLEASE DO NOT RING for results of tests that have been arranged by a hospital doctor. It is their duty to inform you of these results. Often they share results at your next clinic visit. If you have no follow up appointments at the hospital then phone the consultant’s secretary to ask for a letter about your results.


Type of Test How you will be informed How long will it take?
Blood or Urine test






24hour ECG

Ultrasound/CT/MRI Scan



Your results will be sent by text message or email unless you ‘opt out’


If you cannot receive texts or emails then you will need to phone the practice after 2pm.


If you have regular monitoring of a medication then we will show you the results when you come for your next test. You can also access them on-line.

Most test results are back within 1-2 weeks, though some take longer.


We aim to text you within 2 days of receiving your results.


Only phone the practice if you have not heard from us after 4 weeks.

Birthday MoT (long term conditions review)


You will receive your results from the nurse at your 2nd appointment, and then in a letter.


If you ‘opt out’ of a second appointment you will receive your results by letter or email.

You will receive your letter or email within 4 weeks of your appointment
NHS Health check


You will receive your NHS health check results plus any tips on improving them if this is needed by letter or email. You will receive your letter or email within 4 weeks of your appointment
Smear You will receive your results by letter. Most results are sent to you in 2-4 weeks.
Tests arranged by a hospital or consultant We do not give out test results for tests that have been requested by hospitals or consultants. If you haven’t heard back about your results after 4 weeks please contact your consultant’s secretary.